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Buy your ad Evergreen Family Theatre is excited to offer you the opportunity to advertise in our program for our upcoming production of A Midsummer Night’s Dream, presented by our touring Shakespeare troupe, Fool in the Forest. Our family-friendly, musical, and...

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Get Involved Make a difference and change communities for the better. This is where you can find up to date information on employment, volunteer, and advocacy opportunities at Evergreen! Employment Work with us! Find production opportunities, literary opportunities,...


Welcome to The Rockville Public Library  and Evergreen Family Theatre’s production of The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane. This piece explores what it means to love and live, and how life can change in an instant. The delecate blend of reality and...


Help us reach our goal! Our October goal is 21 new monthly donors! This is your chance to expand EFT’s programming and give in a sustainable way, with donations that are manageable for your budget. Why give monthly?  More of your donation goes towards helping...